Senest opdateret den 17. september 2022


Warner Music Group tager dit privatliv alvorligt, når vi behandler dine personoplysninger. Det betyder oplysninger, der identificerer dig personligt, såsom dit navn, kontaktoplysninger, ordrehistorik, kredit-/betalingskortoplysninger, markedsføringspræferencer eller data, der kan knyttes til sådanne oplysninger for at identificere dig direkte eller indirekte (“ Personoplysninger ”). Henvisninger til “vi” “vores” eller “os” i denne Privatlivspolitik gælder Warner Music Groups enheder, der er anført som Dataansvarlige i afsnittet “Dataansvarlige for dine Personoplysninger” nedenfor [indsæt hyperlink].

Denne Privatlivspolitik beskriver vores praksis i forbindelse med Personoplysninger, som vi indsamler fra dig personligt og via visse af vores ejede eller kontrollerede websteder, onlinebutikker, webejendom (f.eks. widgets og applikationer) og mobilapplikationer (“Mobile Apps”) i hvert enkelt tilfælde, der linker til denne Privatlivspolitik (hver især en “Platform” eller samlet vores “Platforme“).

Denne Privatlivspolitik gælder for Warner Music Group som helhed, og hvis der er lokale variationer eller tilføjelser med hensyn til, hvordan vi bruger dine personoplysninger indsamlet fra dit hjemland, er disse klart angivet i afsnittet Landespecifikke oversigter [indsæt hyperlink] i denne Privatlivspolitik. Disse oversigter skal behandles som en del af denne Privatlivspolitik. Hvis du er bosiddende i Californien, bedes du bemærke, at vi har en separat California Privacy Policy, som gælder for indsamling og brug af dine Personoplysninger sammen med denne Privatlivspolitik og som også omhandler dine privatlivsrettigheder. Se vores California Privacy Policy her [indsæt hyperlink]

Bemærk, at vores Platforme ikke er beregnet til personer under 16 år, og vi anmoder om, at sådanne personer ikke afgiver Personoplysninger via Platformene.


1.1 De nedenfor anførte Warner Music Group-selskaber er som Dataansvarlige ansvarlige for de Personoplysninger, vi indsamler på vores Platforme:

1.1.1 Warner Music Denmark A/S, et selskab stiftet og registreret i Danmark med hjemsted på adressen Falkoner Allé 7, 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark; Warner Music International Services Limited, et selskab stiftet og registreret i England og Wales med hjemsted på adressen 78 Cannon Street, London, England, EC4N 6AF, Storbritannien;
1.1.2 Warner-Elektra-Atlantic Corporation, et selskab i Delaware med hovedsæde på adressen 1633 Broadway New York, New York 10019, USA;
1.1.3 Warner Music Inc., et selskab i Delaware med hovedsæde på adressen 1633 Broadway New York, New York 10019, USA;

Bemærk, at den Dataansvarliges nøjagtige rolle, der vil gælde for dine Personoplysninger, bestemmes af de aktiviteter, der gælder for dig i afsnittet “Sådan bruger vi dine Personoplysninger”, og afhængigt af de relevante identificerede aktiviteter kan de ovenfor anførte virksomheder enten være Ene Dataansvarlige (én af de ovenfor anførte virksomheder er eneansvarlig) eller Fælles Dataansvarlige (to eller flere af de ovenfor anførte virksomheder er fælles ansvarlige) for dine Personoplysninger. Vi har indsat en tabel her [indsæt hyperlink til ordning], der beskriver den Dataansvarliges rolle i forbindelse med hver aktivitet, der kan gælde for dig, og når der er Fælles Dataansvarlige, har vi indsat en oversigt over de ordninger, der er etableret (hovedsageligt hvem, der er ansvarlig for at overholde lovgivningen med hensyn til dit privatliv) her [indsæt hyperlink til ordning].

1.2 Vi har forsøgt at gøre det så tydeligt som muligt i de links, der er angivet ovenfor. Skulle du alligevel have spørgsmål om, hvilke af ovenstående virksomheder der er Dataansvarlig for dine Personoplysninger, eller hvis du gerne vil kontakte en af de virksomheder, der er anført ovenfor, bedes du sende en e-mail til os på Hvis det er mere praktisk, kan du også skrive til os på Warner Music UK Limited, Legal Department, The Warner Building, 27 Wrights Lane, London, W8 5SW, UK.


Vi modtager Personoplysninger om dig, enten direkte fra dig, fra en tredjepartskilde (en anden kilde end dig, f.eks. når du foretager et køb af album på Ticketmaster) eller ved automatisk indsamling, når du bruger en af vores Platforme.

Vi bruger dine Personoplysninger til forskellige formål (grunde), og vores lovlige behandlingsgrundlag (begrundelser) for at bruge dine Personoplysninger er enten “for at levere en ønsket tjeneste eller udføre en kontrakt med dig”; “når vi har en juridisk forpligtelse”; “når du har givet os dit samtykke”; eller “når det er nødvendigt for vores legitime interesser” (det betyder, at vi har en forretningsmæssig eller kommerciel interesse i at bruge dine Personoplysninger).

Tabellerne nedenfor beskriver tydeligt, hvordan vi indsamler og bruger dine Personoplysninger, og de lovlige behandlingsgrundlag (grunde), vi henholder os til i forbindelse med brug af dine Personoplysninger. Hvis vi har sagt, at brug eller opbevaring af dine oplysninger er “nødvendigt for vores legitime interesser”, har vi foretaget en vurdering for at sikre, at dette ikke er urimeligt for dig. Bemærk, at hver overskrift i kolonnen “Sådan bruger vi dine oplysninger og vores lovlige behandlingsgrundlag” i tabellen nedenfor henviser til de forskellige lovlige behandlingsgrundlag, vi henholder os til ved brug af dine Personoplysninger.

Vær opmærksom på, at hvis du vælger ikke at give os de oplysninger, vi beder om, eller hvis du gør indsigelse mod vores brug af dine Personoplysninger, hvor vi har gjort det klart, at disse oplysninger er obligatoriske, kan vi muligvis ikke tilbyde dig de tjenester, du har anmodet om, eller på anden måde opfylde de(t) formål, til hvilket/hvilke vi har bedt om dine Personoplysninger.

2.1 Onlinekonti og -køb

Oplysninger, vi indsamler

Sådan bruger vi dine oplysninger og vores lovlige behandlingsgrundlag


You provide us with Personal Information about yourself when you create an online account on one of our Platforms (eg our online e-commerce stores). This is generally information such as your name and email address.

When you fill in your account information after registration and use your account, you provide us with additional information about yourself. This is generally Personal Information, including your address information (shipping address and billing address), contents of your shopping cart, order history, preferred payment information (eg credit/debit card/PayPal) and marketing preferences.

Delivery of the requested service/execution of a contract with you

  • To register your account and provide you with account functionality on our Platforms, such as providing access to your account, maintaining your account and providing you with associated customer service.
  • To send you administrative information, including information about our Platforms and changes to our terms, conditions and policies.
  • To allow you to send messages (such as music clips or artist information) to a friend through our Platforms. By using such a feature, you are telling us that you have the right to use and provide us with your friend's name and email address.


You provide us with Personal Information about you when you place an order on one of our Platforms. This is generally information such as the contents of your shopping cart, your name, email address, phone number, shipping address, delivery preferences and payment information (eg credit card/debit card/PayPal)

Delivery of the requested service/execution of a contract with you

  • To complete your purchases on our Platforms, including processing your payments, sending you order confirmation, sending you updates about your order and delivering your order to you.
  • To send you administrative information, including information about our Platforms and changes to our terms, conditions and policies.

Compliance with a legal obligation

  • To comply with any relevant consumer legislation in relation to purchases you make, including providing you with certain information and issuing refunds, credits or replacement deliveries (if applicable).

Purchase from third parties

We collect Personal Information about you when you purchase one of our products from a third party (for example, when you purchase an album on Ticketmaster). This is generally information such as your name, phone number, order details, shipping address and delivery preferences.

Delivery of the requested service/execution of a contract with you

  • To complete your purchases from our third party partners, including sending you order confirmation, sending you updates about your order and delivering your order to you.

Customer service support

You provide us with Personal Information about yourself when you contact us in connection with an order or support request you have made on one of our Platforms. This is generally information such as your name, email address, payment information, order information (including shipping and delivery preferences) and information about your inquiry.


Delivery of the requested service/execution of a contract with you

  • To communicate with you regarding purchases you have made on our Platforms and provide you with related customer service.

2.2 Marketing campaigns and direct marketing

Information we collect
How we use your information and our legal basis for processing
Contests, sweepstakes and similar promotions

You provide us with Personal Information about you when you participate in one of our competitions, sweepstakes or similar campaigns. This is generally information such as your name, gender, phone number, email address, date of birth, zip code, country, city, information about the contest or sweepstake you have entered and your registration.

Please note that the types of Personal Information collected above may vary (we may only ask you to provide some of the Personal Information above) depending on the campaign you agree to participate in. We will tell you what information is necessary before you participate in one of our promotions.

With your consent

  • To allow you to participate in our contests, sweepstakes or similar promotions and to administer these activities.

Some of these activities have additional rules which may contain additional information about how we use and disclose your Personal Information. If there are additional rules, these will be provided to you prior to your participation – please read these rules carefully before providing us with your Personal Information.

Direct Marketing

You provide us with Personal Information about yourself when you sign up for/agree to receive marketing communications from us.

This is generally information such as your name, email address, telephone number and marketing preferences. Depending on the marketing campaign, they may also include your country, city, date of birth and gender when you provide us with this additional information.

There are several ways you can opt-in to receive marketing from us, including:

  • Mail Sign up to receive marketing from us by mail.
  • Newsletters Sign up to receive our newsletters on all our websites.
  • Artist/Record Label/Brand Lists. Signing up to receive artist/label/brand specific marketing notifications and updates.
  • Signing up to receive marketing communications when you participate in one of our marketing campaigns (including offline campaigns, concerts, contests, sweepstakes and similar campaigns).
  • Account registration. Signing up to receive marketing when you create an account on our Platforms.
  • Purchase. Signing up to receive marketing material from us when you make a purchase in our online stores.

Marketing Partners. Signing up to receive marketing communications from us on a third party partner's website or online platform (any website or online platform not under our control, such as ticketing platforms or music streaming services).

With your consent

  • To send you marketing communications via email or SMS when you have agreed to receive these communications. We only do this in accordance with your marketing preferences, and you can opt out of receiving these communications at any time by selecting the unsubscribe link in the emails we send, by following the instructions in the text message we send, or by email us at .
  • To categorize you to find out what content is best suited to send you. We do this, for example, by analyzing factors about you, e.g. how you have signed up to receive marketing communications from us (for example, on our website or through a competition), your location and the marketing preferences you have informed us about (for example, the art you have said you are interested in). Please note that we will stop categorizing if you opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by selecting the unsubscribe link in an email we send, by sending a text message back with the text “STOP” or by sending a email us at .
  • To share your contact information and marketing preferences with our affiliates, our artists and any other third parties so that they can send you marketing communications via email or SMS when you have consented to us sharing your Personal Information for these purposes. We only do this in accordance with your marketing preferences, and you can ask us to stop sharing your Personal Information for these purposes at any time by emailing us at .

Please note that if you opt out of receiving marketing communications from us, we will continue to send you administrative and service communications as needed. These communications will not contain any marketing content.

Advertising to target groups on social media

You provide us with Personal Information about yourself when you register or agree to receive marketing communications from us, including advertising on social media. This is generally information such as your name, email address, social media username, phone number and marketing preferences.

If we have a social media pixel on one of our Platforms, you provide us with Personal Information about you when you consent to that pixel interacting with and collecting data from your device when you access our Platforms. This is generally information that you have visited our Platforms and have an account on our social media partners' platforms (eg Facebook or Google).

See our cookie policy for more information about social media pixels and how they work. You will find it at the bottom of our web pages next to our terms of use.

With your consent

  • To send you our customized ads on your social media account using audience targeting technology when our social media partners match your email address or information collected from our social media pixels with your user account on their platform (if you have one), and include you in a group of people to whom we can send customized ads. This “custom audience” is only created and stored on your social media platform, and although we can send you customized ads, we cannot see if you have been included in the custom audience and do not have access to information stored in your account on social media.
  • To classify you in order to find out what content is most suitable to send to you and what custom audience you are most suitable for. We do this, for example, by analyzing factors about you, e.g. how you have signed up to receive marketing communications from us (for example, on our website or through a competition), your location and the marketing preferences you have informed us about (for example, the art you have said you are interested in) and also by analyzing your interactions with our Platforms and your listening behavior when you have given us consent to do so (see the section “Listening Behavior on Streaming Platforms” below). Note that we will stop categorizing if you opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by selecting the unsubscribe link in an email we send or by following the instructions in a text message we send you, or by to email us at
  • To create a separate group of social media users with similar characteristics to those included in our custom audiences. This “copy target group” is created and stored only on our partners' social media platforms. Although we may send customized ads to individuals in this copy audience, we cannot identify individuals included in this group, and we do not have access to social media information about those individuals.

2.3 Social Media, Streaming Services and Third Party Accounts

Digital service providers and direct marketing

We cooperate with digital service providers. If you have an account with a digital service provider (eg Spotify) and agree to receive marketing communications from their partners via their online tools, your digital service provider will share your Personal Data with us for this purpose. This information includes name, date of birth, gender, email address and postal code.

With your consent

  • To send you theme-based marketing communications via email and in accordance with your marketing preferences. See also the section “Listening behavior on streaming platforms” below, which describes other ways in which we interact with streaming platforms to send you content that is relevant to you when you have consented to this.
    Note that you can opt-out of receiving these communications at any time by selecting the unsubscribe link in the email we send, by emailing us at , or by unsubscribing through your digital service provider platform.

Participation in contests, sweepstakes and similar promotions with a social media account.

If you use your social media account (e.g. Facebook), streaming platform account (e.g. Spotify) or other third party user account to participate in our contest, sweepstakes or promotions or via an invitation to log into such account on our Platforms, you will share certain Personal Information from your third-party account with us, e.g. your name, gender, email address, city, country, listening history, favorite tracks, information about the campaign you have participated in, your registration and other Personal Information that you make available to us.


With your consent

  • To allow you to participate in our contests, sweepstakes or similar promotions and to administer these activities.
  • Some of these activities have additional rules which may contain additional information about how we use and disclose your Personal Information - please read these rules carefully before providing us with your Personal Information.


Listening behavior on streaming platforms

If you give us permission to do so, we collect Personal Data from the streaming platforms you use (e.g. Spotify) about your listening behavior on their platform. This includes information about the tracks, playlists and albums you've listened to, as well as your favorite genres and artists.


With your consent

  • To analyze your listening behavior (both on an aggregate and personally identifiable basis) for the purpose of determining which marketing content is best suited to send you if you have consented (on the streaming platform) to receive direct marketing communications from us and in accordance with your marketing preferences. If we e.g. identifies an artist as a top artist based on your listening behavior, we may recommend a similar artist that we think you might like but haven't listened to yet. Note that you can revoke your consent for us to use your listening behavior via your streaming platform or by contacting us at
  • To monitor the performance of our content on streaming platforms by analyzing the listening behavior of users.


If you pre-save or pre-add any of our unreleased content on a streaming platform, the streaming platform may share your Personal Data with us. This may include information about pre-save/pre-add content you have selected, together with your name, email address, city, country and (if applicable) your marketing preferences when you have opted in to receive marketing communications from us.


With your consent

  • To add the desired content to your streaming platform library when that content is officially released and to send you an email with information about the official release. 
  • To send you marketing communications by email when you have agreed to receive these communications. We only do this in accordance with your marketing preferences and you can opt out of receiving these communications at any time by selecting the unsubscribe link in the emails we send or by emailing us at privacypolicy@wmg. com .

2.4 General Inquiries and Commitment

General inquiries

You provide us with Personal Information about yourself when you contact us or otherwise interact with us in general, including via email, text message, social media, online contact form, phone call, text message, post or otherwise. This is generally information such as your name, your contact information and information about your communication.


Necessary for our legitimate interests

  • To respond to your inquiries and fulfill your requests, e.g. when you send us questions, suggestions, compliments or complaints, or when you request information about our Platforms. We may also take this into account when improving our Platforms, products and services.


You give us Personal Information about yourself when you participate in and answer one of our surveys. This is generally information such as your name, your contact details and your answers in the survey.


With your consent

  • To sign up for our surveys and to analyze the answers you have given in them.


2.5 Automatically collected information

Delivery per e-mail

We collect certain Personal Information automatically when we send you marketing emails in accordance with your marketing preferences. This is generally information about whether you have opened the email and what you have clicked on in it.

See our Cookie Policy for information about what cookies (and other similar technologies) are and how we use them. You will find it at the bottom of our web pages next to our terms of use.


With your consent

  • To monitor the effectiveness of the marketing emails we send to you.
  • To tailor future marketing emails that we send to you based on your interactions with our previous emails.

Access to our online platform 

We collect certain Personal Information automatically when you visit or interact with one of our online platforms. This is generally information such as:

  • Browser and Device Information: Certain information is collected by most browsers, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, device type (Windows or Mac), screen resolution, operating system version, Internet browser type, and version of our Platform that you use.
  • Mobile app information: When you download and use one of our mobile apps, we may track and collect usage data for the mobile app, e.g. date and time when the mobile app on your device accesses our servers and what information and files have been downloaded to the mobile app based on your device number.
  • IP Address: An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a number automatically assigned to your device from which you access a Platform from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and automatically identified and logged in our server logs when you visits the Platform, together with the time of the visit and activity on the Platform.

It is necessary for our legitimate interests

  • To calculate our usage levels for Platforms.
  • To help diagnose server problems.
  • To administer our Platforms.

To determine your location at the country level.

Cookies (and similar technologies)

When you visit one of our online platforms, we collect Personal Information about you via cookies and similar technologies placed on your device. The information collected may include a user ID assigned to you, your IP address, the content you have interacted with on our Platforms, the duration of each visit to our Platforms, error messages that occur when you use our Platforms and your interactions with social plugins (eg Facebook's like or share button) on our Platforms.

See our Cookie Policy for information about what cookies (and other similar technologies) are and how we use them. You will find it at the bottom of our web pages next to our terms of use.


Necessary for our legitimate interests

  • To ensure that our Platforms work as intended on your device and to provide the content or services you request on our Platforms as needed.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

  • To ensure that your use of our Platforms and all activities you perform on our Platform are secure.
  • To comply with applicable legislation regarding cookies and information collected from cookies – for example, remembering your cookie settings.

With your consent

  • To target our marketing to you with customized online and social media advertising based on your online activity and use of our Platforms.
  • To share your information with third-party partners for the purpose of sending you customized advertising content online and on social media.
  • To share your information with third-party social media partners when you interact with social plugins (eg Facebook's like or share button) on our Platforms.
  • To recognize you when you return to one of our Platforms and customize your experience based on your previous visits.
  • To perform web analytics on our Platforms (eg to monitor the number of your visits to our Platforms and the actions you take on our Platforms for analytical purposes).

2.6 Internal business processes

Collection of Personal Information

Our aggregation of Personal Information may apply to all of the above Personal Information we collect about you.


Necessary for our legitimate interests

To aggregate all Personal Information we collect so that, in its final aggregated form, it no longer directly identifies you or any other individual. For example, by using Personal Information collected from website visits to calculate the percentage of our users who like a particular artist. We use the aggregated data generated for several purposes, including:

  • To develop new products and services.
  • To enhance, improve or change our current products and services.
  • To determine the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns so that we can adapt our campaigns to the needs and interests of our users.
  • To operate and expand our business activities, e.g. to understand which parts of our Platforms are most interesting to our users so that we can focus resources and development efforts effectively.

Audits (internal and external) and compliance

Our review and compliance process may apply to all of the above Personal Information we collect about you.


Necessary for our legitimate interests

  • To verify that our internal processes are working as intended.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

  • To confirm that our internal processes comply with legal, regulatory or contractual requirements.


Fraud and security

Our fraud and security monitoring process may apply to any of the Personal Information we collect about you.


Necessary for our legitimate interests

  • To carry out fraud and security monitoring in our company, e.g. to detect and prevent cyber attacks or identity theft attempts.


Our administrative process may apply to all of the above Personal Information we collect about you.


Necessary for our legitimate interests

  • To operate effectively within our business model and corporate structure in a way that effectively serves our customers, including using a variety of centralized and localized business functions.


Legal requirements

Our process for legal claims may apply to all of the above Personal Information we collect about you.


Necessary to comply with a legal obligation / Legitimate interests (depending on the situation)

  • To effectively defend or bring claims to protect our legal rights and interests and to respond to investigations by regulatory or law enforcement authorities.


We share your Personal Data for the following purposes:

  • We share your Personal Information with affiliated companies for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. You can see the list and location of our affiliates here
  • We share your Personal Information with companies that perform services on our behalf (and in some cases our affiliates) to enable them to support the services we provide to you, including those listed below. These may include consultants, professional advice providers (such as lawyers and accountants), digital marketing agencies, service providers involved in hosting (cloud providers such as AWS and Microsoft Azure), marketing technology (such as email campaign creation, email automation, opt-out management etc.), data analysis (such as website traffic analysis), payment processing (such as PayPal), order fulfillment (such as shipping/delivery of customer orders), infrastructure provision (such as website and application development), auditing (external auditors such as KPMG and PWC ), IT services, customer service, email delivery, credit card processing and other similar services.
  • We share your Personal Information with third parties (including our partners and artists) to enable them to send you marketing communications in accordance with your marketing preferences. Eg. when you sign up to receive an artist's newsletter.
  • We share your Personal Data with our social media partners for the purpose of advertising to target audiences on social media and when we use social media plugins on our Platforms.
  • We share your Personal Information with third parties who sponsor contests, sweepstakes, and similar promotions so that they can offer and administer such contests, sweepstakes, and promotions.
  • Personal information that you post or disclose on or through public areas of our Platforms (for example, through message boards, chat, profile pages and blogs) becomes publicly available information and may be available to visitors to our Platforms and to the public in general, and may be redistributed via the Internet and other media channels, where they reach an even wider audience.
  • We share your Personal Data if we are required to do so in order to comply with (and/or if we reasonably believe that we are required to comply with) legal or regulatory obligations, e.g. pursuant to court orders, enforcement actions by regulatory or law enforcement agencies, or to enforce an agreement we have entered into with you, or to protect the rights, property or safety of Warner Music Group, our affiliates, our artists, you, other third parties , users of our Platforms or the public in general.
  • We share your Personal Information in connection with a sale or a business transaction. We have a legitimate interest in disclosing or transferring your Personal Data to a third party in the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or part of our business, assets or inventory (including in connection with a bankruptcy or similar procedure). Such third parties can e.g. be an acquiring entity and its advisers.
  • We share your Personal Information to enforce our terms and conditions or other contracts we have entered into with you and to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages we may suffer in any action, e.g. pursuant to court orders and engage debt collection agencies.


Please note that as Warner Music Group is a global group, your Personal Data may be stored and processed in any country where we have facilities or where we engage service providers, and by using our Platforms you understand that your Personal Data may be transferred to countries outside your country of residence, including the United States, which may have data protection rules that differ from those in your country.

In particular, our consumer databases and global marketing teams are based in the United States and the United Kingdom, so the Personal Information you provide to us when you interact with us for e-commerce purposes, marketing purposes and in connection with competitions (including sweepstakes and other similar promotions) will be stored and processed in the USA and UK for these purposes.

See the section “Do we transfer your personal data” in the Country-specific overviews [insert hyperlink] of this Privacy Policy for information about how we protect your Personal Data when it is transferred from your country of residence to a location outside your country of residence.



We store your Personal Information for as long as it is necessary or permitted in relation to the purpose(s) for which it was collected and in accordance with applicable legislation.

The criteria we use to determine our retention periods include:

  • How long we have an ongoing relationship with you and provide our Platforms to you (for example, as long as you have an account with us or continue to use the Platforms);
  • Whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject (for example, certain laws require us to keep records of your transactions for a certain period of time before we can delete them);
  • Whether retention is advisable in light of our legal position (eg, pursuant to applicable statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations); and
  • Any guidelines issued by relevant legal and data protection authorities.


We ask that you do not send us or disclose sensitive Personal Information to us (e.g. social security numbers, information relating to race or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or sex life, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs, health-related information, criminal background or trade union membership ) on or through our Platforms or otherwise, unless we expressly request this information for specific purposes.


If you wish to exercise your rights in connection with your Personal Information (such as accessing, viewing, correcting, updating, restricting or deleting Personal Information), you can contact us at: . We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable law.

When you contact us, please make clear what right(s) you wish to exercise, what actions you want us to take in relation to your Personal Data and any details of the Personal Data to which your request relates. That way we can handle your inquiry more efficiently.

To protect you, we may only fulfill requests with respect to the Personal Data associated with the email address you use to send us your request, or we may need to verify your identity before fulfilling your request. We will try to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within the time limits set by law.

See the “Your Privacy Rights” section of the Country-Specific Overviews [insert hyperlink] of this Privacy Policy or the California Privacy Policy [insert hyperlink] for information on specific data protection rights in your jurisdiction.



We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. We will notify you of any material changes where we have a relationship with you, and otherwise from time to time post updated versions on our website. Look at the text “LAST UPDATED” at the top of this page to see when this Privacy Policy was last revised. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when we make the revised Privacy Policy available on or through our online platforms.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our data processing practices, please contact us by email

We have the following address:

Warner Music Denmark A/S

Falkoner Allé 7, 3

2000 Frederiksberg


Attn: Business Affairs Department and CEO

Please note that email communications are not always secure, so please do not include credit card details or other sensitive information in your email messages to us. You can also contact us by email at or write to us at Warner Music UK Limited, Legal Department, The Warner Building, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5SW, att. Privacy Team.]


10.1 The European Union and the European Economic Area


Some of the countries outside the EEA are recognized by the European Commission as having an adequate level of data protection according to EEA standards (the full list of these countries can be found here). For transfers from the EEA to countries that are not considered by the European Commission (including the USA) to have an adequate level of data protection, we have drawn up standard contractual provisions adopted by the European Commission regarding transfers of Personal Data as security for the transfer of your data. You can obtain a copy of this security measure by contacting or view the standard terms by following this link.


Privacy rights if you are located in the EEA or your Personal Data is stored by a Warner Music company in the EEA:

According to the law, you have a number of rights (subject to certain conditions and exceptions) when it comes to your information. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at or via our contact details below.

You have the right to object to us using your Personal Data when we invoke "legitimate interests" as a lawful processing basis for processing your Personal Data, or when we use your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes (e.g. if you do not longer wish to receive newsletters, updates and other marketing communications from us in connection with direct marketing).


What does it mean?

Right to be informed

You have the right to receive clear, transparent and easy-to-understand information about how we use your Personal Data and your rights. That is why we provide you with the information in this Privacy Policy.

The right to access

You have the right to access your Personal Information (if we process it) and certain other information (eg the information in this Privacy Policy).

This is so that you are aware of and can check that we use your Personal Information in accordance with data protection legislation.

The right to rectification

You have the right to have your Personal Data corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

The right to erasure

This is also called the “right to be forgotten” and it simply gives you the opportunity to request the erasure or removal of your Personal Data if there is no compelling reason for us to continue using it. This is not a general right to erasure. There are exceptions.

The right to restrict processing

You have the right to “block” or suppress further use of your Personal Data. When processing is limited, we may still store your Personal Data, but we may not use it further. We keep lists of individuals who have requested that their Personal Data be 'blocked' to ensure that the restriction is respected in the future.

The right to data portability

You have the right to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to request that this data be transferred to another data controller where technically possible. This right only applies to Personal Information that you yourself have provided to us (not other information) that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or to fulfill a contract with you.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the use of your Personal Data under certain circumstances, e.g. if we do not need to process your Personal Data to fulfill a contractual or other legal obligation. You can e.g. object to the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing. We may still store your Personal Information, but we may no longer use it in the way you have asked us not to.

The right not to be made the subject of a decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling

You have the right not to have your Personal Data used solely to make automated decisions about you that affect you. You have e.g. the right not to have your Personal Data used to create a profile of you on which automatic decisions are later based, without any human involvement in this processing.


Right to file a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint about the way we handle or process your Personal Data to your relevant national data protection authority. See detailed information on the EEA's data protection authorities here .

The right to withdraw consent

If you have given your consent to something we do with your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (although this does not mean that what we may have done with your Personal Data with your consent until then is illegal). This includes the right to withdraw consent to us using your Personal Data for marketing purposes.

10.2 United Kingdom


EEA countries are recognized by the UK as having an adequate level of data protection and as such transfers of your Personal Data from the UK to an EEA country are currently permitted under UK law. In addition, transfers of your Personal Data to certain countries outside the EEA are currently permitted by the United Kingdom, provided those countries have been certified by the European Commission as having an adequate level of data protection according to EEA standards (the full list of these countries can be found here).

For transfers from the UK to countries that are not considered by the European Commission (including the USA) to have an adequate level of data protection, the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission for transfers of Personal Data are currently certified by the UK as a valid safeguard for the transfer of your information and we have drawn up these standard contractual clauses when we transfer your Personal Information to countries that are not considered by the UK to provide an adequate level of data protection. You can obtain a copy of this security measure by contacting or view the standard terms by following this link.


Privacy rights if you are located in the UK or your Personal Data is held by a Warner Music company in the UK:

According to the law, you have a number of rights (subject to certain conditions and exceptions) when it applies to your Personal Information. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at or via our contact details below.

You have the right to object to us using your Personal Data when we invoke "legitimate interests" as a lawful processing basis for processing your Personal Data, or when we use your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes (e.g. if you do not longer wish to receive newsletters, updates and other marketing communications from us in connection with direct marketing).


What does it mean?

Right to be informed

You have the right to receive clear, transparent and easy-to-understand information about how we use your Personal Data and your rights. That is why we provide you with the information in this Privacy Policy.

The right to access

You have the right to access your Personal Information (if we process it) and certain other information (eg the information in this Privacy Policy).

This is so that you are aware of and can check that we use your Personal Information in accordance with data protection legislation.

The right to rectification

You have the right to have your Personal Data corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

The right to erasure

This is also called the “right to be forgotten” and it simply gives you the opportunity to request the erasure or removal of your Personal Data if there is no compelling reason for us to continue using it. This is not a general right to erasure. There are exceptions.

The right to restrict processing

You have the right to “block” or suppress further use of your Personal Data. When processing is limited, we may still store your Personal Data, but we may not use it further. We keep lists of individuals who have requested that their Personal Data be 'blocked' to ensure that the restriction is respected in the future.

The right to data portability

You have the right to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to request that this data be transferred to another data controller where technically possible. This right only applies to Personal Information that you yourself have provided to us (not other information) that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or to fulfill a contract with you.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the use of your Personal Data under certain circumstances, e.g. if we do not need to process your Personal Data to fulfill a contractual or other legal obligation. You can e.g. object to the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing. We may still store your Personal Information, but we may no longer use it in the way you have asked us not to.

The right not to be made the subject of a decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling

You have the right not to have your Personal Data used solely to make automated decisions about you that affect you. You have e.g. the right not to have your Personal Data used to create a profile of you on which automatic decisions are later based, without any human involvement in this processing.

Right to file a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint about the way we handle or process your Personal Data to the relevant UK National Data Protection Authority (ICO). See contact details for the ICO below:

Address: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF .

Telephone number: 0303 123 1113 .

Website :

The right to withdraw consent

If you have given your consent to something we do with your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (although this does not mean that what we may have done with your Personal Data with your consent until then is illegal). This includes the right to withdraw consent to us using your Personal Data for marketing purposes.


Pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“ CCPA ”), this California Privacy Policy provides California residents with a description of our practices regarding the collection, use, sale and disclosure of their Personal Information. Under the CCPA, “ Personal Information” is information that identifies, relates to, describes, or can reasonably be associated with or associated with a particular individual or household in California. This California Privacy Policy also addresses other provisions of California law. We provide this California Privacy Policy in addition to the information contained in our general Privacy Policy above. As noted above, this California Privacy Policy describes our practices regarding Personal Information that we collect from you personally and through certain of our owned or controlled Platforms. This California Privacy Policy does not apply to our job applicants, employees, suppliers, owners, directors or officers where the Personal Information we collect about those individuals relates to their current, former or potential role with us.

11.1 Collection of Personal Information

We plan to collect and have within the past 12 months collected the following categories of Personal Information as set out in the CCPA:

  • Identifiers, such as name, contact information (address, email address, phone number), an IP address that can reasonably be linked or associated with a particular consumer or household, social security number, social media username and online identifiers;
  • Personal information as defined in the California customer file law such as name, contact information and financial account information;
  • Information in protected class. Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as gender and age;
  • Commercial information, such as order history, shopping cart contents, payment information, order delivery preferences, listening history and preferences;
  • Online usage information. Information about internet or network activity, such as browsing history, search history and interactions with our web property or ads;
  • Information about geographic location. Information about geographic location, e.g. the location of the device and the approximate location derived from the IP address.
  • Audio/Video Information. Audio, electronic, visual and similar information, such as call and video recordings;
  • Derivations from any of the Personal Data listed above to create a profile or summary about e.g. a person's preferences and characteristics.

11.2 Sources of Personal Information

We collect Personal Information from you and from other sources, e.g. third parties with whom we have a business relationship, advertising networks, publicly available databases, joint marketing partners, social media platforms and our third party service providers.

11.3 Our use of Personal Information

We use Personal Information as set out in our general Privacy Policy above to operate, administer and maintain our business, to deliver our products and services and to fulfill our business purposes and objectives, including e.g. to: develop, improve and maintain our products and services, personalize, advertise and market our products and services, perform research and data analysis, maintain our facilities and infrastructure, perform quality and safety measures, perform risk and safety control and monitoring, discover and prevent fraud, perform identity verification, perform accounting, auditing, investigations and other internal functions, comply with laws, legal processes and internal policies, maintain records and defend legal claims.

11.4 Our disclosure and sale of Personal Information

As stated in our general Privacy Policy above, we share Personal Information with the following categories of third parties:

  • Affiliated companies. We share with our affiliates for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
  • Service Providers We share with our service providers to facilitate the services they provide to us, such as website hosting, marketing services, data analysis, payment processing, order fulfillment, infrastructure delivery, auditing, IT services, customer service and email delivery.
  • We share with third parties (including our partners and artists) to enable them to send you marketing communications in accordance with your marketing preferences.
  • Ad network. We share with ad networks and online advertising partners to enable them to send you marketing communications.
  • Social media platforms. We share your Personal Data with our social media partners for the purpose of advertising to target audiences on social media and when we use social media plugins on our Platforms.
  • Sponsors of campaigns. We share with third parties who sponsor contests, sweepstakes and similar promotions so that they can offer and administer such promotions.
  • Legal authorities. We share with public and governmental authorities, including regulators and law enforcement agencies, to respond to requests and to protect and defend legal rights.
  • Other parties to legal proceedings. We share Personal Information in connection with the presentation of documents in legal proceedings and in response to subpoenas and court orders.
Under the CCPA, a “sale” is broadly defined as the disclosure of Personal Information for monetary or other consideration and may include certain of our business practices, including those related to certain types of online advertising. In the past 12 months, we have disclosed the following categories of Personal Data for our operational business purposes or sold the following categories of Personal Data to the following categories of third parties:
Categories of Personal Information Disclosed to which categories of third parties for operational business purposes Sold to which categories of third parties
Identifiers Affiliates, Service Providers, Business Partners, Promotion Sponsors, Ad Networks Ad network
Customer directory information Affiliates, Service Providers, Business Partners, Promotion Sponsors, Ad Networks Ad network
Information in protected class Affiliates, Service Providers, Ad Networks Ad network
Transaction Information Affiliates, Service Providers, Business Partners, Promotion Sponsors, Ad Networks Ad network
Online User Information Affiliates, Service Providers, Ad Networks Ad network
Information about geographic location Affiliates, Service Providers, Promotion Sponsors, Ad Networks Ad network
Audio/Video Information Affiliated Companies, Service Providers None of these
Emissions Affiliates, Service Providers, Ad Networks Ad network

We do not knowingly sell Personal Information about minors under the age of 16.

11.5 Your CCPA Rights

Requests for information and erasure

You can request that we pass on the following information to you covering the last 12 months prior to your request:

  • The categories of Personal Information we have collected about you and the categories of sources from which we have collected such Personal Information;
  • The specific Personal Information we have collected about you;
  • The business or commercial purpose of collecting or selling Personal Information about you;
  • The categories of Personal Information about you that we have sold and, for each of these, the categories of third parties to whom we have sold such Personal Information, and
  • The categories of Personal Information about you that we have otherwise shared and, for each of these, the categories of third parties with whom we have shared such Personal Information.

You can request that we delete Personal Information we have collected from you.

Contact us at 833-596-2637 if you wish to request information or deletion. We confirm and respond to your request in accordance with applicable law, taking into account the type and sensitivity of the Personal Data that is the subject of the request. We may need to request additional Personal Information from you, such as your email address, your phone number, recent transactions with us, or the last digits of your credit or debit card if you have purchased from us, to verify your identity and protect against fraudulent requests. If you have a password-protected account with us, we may verify your identity through our existing authentication practices for your account and require you to authenticate yourself again before disclosing or deleting your Personal Information. If you make a request for deletion, we may ask you to confirm your request before we delete your Personal Data.

If you are the authorized representative of a consumer making a request for information or erasure on behalf of the consumer, we will ask you to:

  • Documentation of your registration with the California Secretary of State to do business in California; and
  • Evidence that the consumer has authorized you to make a request for information or erasure on the consumer's behalf. This must be an authorization signed by the consumer. “Signed” means that the authorization is either physically signed or given electronically in accordance with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Civil Code 1633.7 et seq .

If an authorized representative has not given us a power of attorney from the consumer pursuant to Probate Code sections 4000-4465, we may also:

  • Require the consumer to give you a written authorization signed by the consumer to make the request on the consumer's behalf;
  • Confirm the consumer's identity in the same way as if the consumer made a personal inquiry, and
  • Obtain confirmation from the consumer that they have given you permission to make the request.

Request for cancellation of sales

You may request to opt out of future sales of Personal Information about you by contacting us at 833-596-2637.

If you are an authorized representative of a consumer and request to be unsubscribed on behalf of the consumer, we will ask you to:

  • Documentation of your registration with the California Secretary of State to do business in California; and
  • Evidence that the consumer has authorized you to make a request for information or erasure on the consumer's behalf. This must be an authorization signed by the consumer. “Signed” means that the authorization is either physically signed or given electronically in accordance with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Civil Code 1633.7 et seq .

Right to protection against discrimination

You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising your rights under the CCPA.

11.6 Do Not Track Signals

We currently do not respond to Do Not Track signals in the browser.

11.7 Your Privacy Rights in California

If you are a California resident, you may request certain information once a year about our disclosure of certain categories of Personal Information in the previous calendar year to third parties for such third parties' own direct marketing purposes. Send your request by email to or by mail to Warner Music Group, Attn: Privacy Coordinator, 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. We reserve the right not to respond to requests submitted to other than the email or postal addresses provided in this section.